Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Initials *Postcode *Have you taken a parent education course or received relationship support in the last 12 months? *Please selectYesNoWhat is your first language? *By this we mean the first language you learnt, or the language that you grew up speaking.Ages of childrenTell us the ages of each of your children (this includes step children) What is your current parenting status or relationship to the child? *Two-parent family living togetherParent living apart from co-parentStep parentFoster parentGrandparentRelative/Family friendNon-resident ParentEducator/advocateOther(tick all that apply)If other, please describe.What is your ethnic group? *Please selectAfricanCaribbeanBlack/ African/Caribbean/Black BritishBangladeshiIndianPakistaniAsian/Asian BritishAsian/WhiteBlack African/WhiteBlack Caribbean/WhiteMixed/Multi ethnic groupsChineseArabWhiteEnglish/Welsh/Scottish/N. Irish/BritishIrishGypsy/IrishTravellerOtherIf other, please describe.How do you personally define your gender *Please selectManWomanTrans manTrans womanNon binaryOtherPrefer not to sayDon't knowPlease tell us in your own words below if none of the categories above are right for you.If other, please describe.Is your gender identity the same as the one assigned to you at birth? *Please selectYesNoDon't knowPrefer not to sayWhich of the following best describes your sexual orientation? *HeterosexualLesbianGayBisexualOtherFaith / Religion / Belief *Please selectNo religionChristianBuddhistHinduJewishSikhMuslimOtherIf other, please describe.What is your household income level (per year) *Under £5000£5000 - £10,000£10,000 - £20,000£20,000 - £45,000Over £45,000Don't knowPrefer not to saySchooling completed *Primary schoolSecondary school (aged 16)Secondary school (aged 18)Undergraduate or postgraduate degreePlease select the highest level that you completedWhy are you taking this course? *To become a better parentHaving problems with childrenTo improve communication with my co-parentTo avoid court proceedingsOtherTick all that applyIf other, please describe.How did you hear about this course? *Flyers/announcementsFriend/relativeInternet searchNewspaper/radioReferral: Please tell us which agency referred you or told you about this course in the box belowOtherIf other, please describe.Name of referral agencyPhoneSubmit